Frequently asked questions

What is the Code of Student Conduct?

The Code of Student Conduct is a rule within the administrative code which outlines the expectations for student behavior and the procedures through which the Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards addresses student misconduct.

Where can I find the definitions of misconduct?

A complete list of the definitions of misconduct can also be found here or in the .

Who can make a referral to Student Conduct and Community Standards?

The Department of Student Conduct and Community Standards can receive referrals from any member of the University and surrounding community who has reason to believe a student or student organization has violated the Code of Student Conduct.

How can I make a referral to Student Conduct and Community Standards?

It’s as easy as filling out the electronic . The electronic student referral form allows the referral source to give a description of the incident, and attach any supporting documentation.  Additional information about the referral process can be found here.

How does Student Conduct and Community Standards address student misconduct?

Student Conduct has numerous services, both formal and informal, which can be used to address student misconduct.  Formal services include the use of fact finding meetings and the university hearing board. Informal services include educational conferences, informal warnings, and mediation.

What is the procedure for addressing academic misconduct?

Faculty members that suspect a student of academic misconduct may submit a directly to Student Conduct or may resolve the matter with the student following the informal resolution process outlined in University Rule 3359-41-01 Section (J).