Technical Report Series

Selected Publications

Dr. Sujay Datta:

Dhavala, S.S., Datta, S., Mallick, B.K., Carroll, R.J., Khare, S., Lawhon, S.D. & Adams, L.G. (2010). Bayesian Modeling of MPSS Data: Gene Expression Analysis of Bovine Salmonella Infection. JASA, 105(491), 956-967.

Lassala, A., Bazer, F.W., Cudd, T.A., Datta, S., Keisler, D.H., Satterfield, M.C., Spencer, T.E. & Wu, G. (2010). Parenteral administration of L-arginine prevents fetal growth restriction in undernourished ewes. Journal of Nutrition, 140, 1242-1248.

R. Nagarajan, S. Datta, M. Scutari, M. L. Beggs, G. T. Nolen and C. A. Peterson (2010). Functional Relationships Between Genes Associated with Differentiation Potential of Aged Myogenic Progenitors. (Systems Biology section), 1(21), 1–8.

Mitra, S., Datta, S., Perkins, T. & Michailidis, G. (2008). An Introduction to Bioinformatics and Machine Learning, Chapman & Hall (Taylor & Francis).

Dr. Richard Einsporn:

Einsporn, R., and Habtzghi, D. (2013) , “Combining Paired and Two-Sample Data Using a Permutation Test,” Journal of Data Science, Vol. 11, No. 4, available at  

Steiger, J., Saccone, P., Einsporn, R., Cox, C., Squires, R. (2013, in press). “AuD students’ perceptions and influences regarding careers in independent practice,” American Journal of Audiology, available at .

Perosa, L., Perosa, S., and Einsporn, R. (2013). “Individuation/Attachment Relationships Mediating Between Overall Family Boundaries and Drive for Thinness and Bulimia Behaviors Reported by College Females,” VISTAS Online 2013, Article 40, accessed 17-Apr-2013 at .

Kreidler, M., and Einsporn, R. (2012) “A Comparative Study of Therapy Duration for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,” Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, Vol. 50, No. 4, 26-32.

Radesic, B., Winkelman, C., Einsporn, R., and Kless, J. (2012). “Examining the Ease of Intubation using the Parker Flex-Tip® or a  Standard Mallinckrodt® Endotracheal Tube using the GlideScope®”, AANA Journal, Vol. 80, No.5, 363-372.

Dr. Mark Fridline:

“The almost sure version of Cramer’s Theorem”, with Manfred Denker, Dependence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory.  Kendrick Press 2010, pp 195-201.

Dr. Nao Mimoto:

"Minimum distance lack-of-fit tests under long memory errors," with Koul, H. L. and Surgailis, D., Metrika 2015, 78, 119-143.

"Localized corrosion risk assessment using Markov analysis," with McCallum, K., Zhao, J., Workman, M., Iannuzzi, M., Kappes, M., Payer, J., Clemons, C.B., Kreider, K.L., and Young, G.W. Corrosion, 2014  11, 1114-1127.

"A goodness-of-fit test for marginal density of long memory moving average process," with Koul, H. L., and Surgailis, D. Metrika, 2013, Vol 76, pp205-224.

"A goodness-of- t test for GARCH innovation density," with Koul, H. L. Metrika, 2012, 75, pp. 127-149.

"Czekanowski's index of overlap, its Lp-type extension, and bias reduction," with Zitikis, R. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 2009, 29, pp. 229-261.

Dr. Jun Ye:

"Madrinan, M. J. M., Al-Hamdan, M., A., Rickman, D. L. and Ye, J., Association between watershed land cover/land use chance (LC/LU) and water turbidity status of Tampa Bay tributaries, Florida, USA, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 2012, 223, 2093-2109.

"Ye, J., Lazar, N. A. and Li, Y. Sparse geostatistical analysis in clustering fMRI time series, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2011, 199, 336-345.

"Bhan, I., Burnett-Bowie, S. A., Ye, J., Tonelli, M. and Thadhani, R., Clinical measures identify Vitamin D deficiency in dialysis, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2010, 5, 460-467.

"Davidow, J. H., Bothe, A. K., Andreatta, R. D. and Ye, J., Measurement of phonated intervals during four fluency-inducing conditions, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2009, 52, 188-205.

Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Richard Steiner:

"Clinically suspected scaphoid fractures in children," with Evenski, A. J., Adamczyk, M. J., Norberg, A., Norberg, R. P., Morscher, M. A. and P. M. Riley. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2009, JPO-7889R2 (Accepted for publication).

"Fracture incidence following plate removal in Legg–Calve–Perthes disease: a 32-year study," with Schaaf, A.C., Weiner, D.S., Morscher, M.A. and Dicinto, M.S.  Journal of Children's Orthopaedics, 2008, 2, pp. 381-385.

"Upper extremity stroke therapy task discrimination using motion sensors and electromyography," with Giuffrida, J.P., Lerner, L. and J. Daly.  IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2008, 16(1), pp. 82-90.