Dr. Jordan Renna

Dr. Jordan Renna

Title: Associate Professor / Interim Chair
Dept/Program: Biology
Office: ASEC C307
Phone: 330-972-6933
Fax: 330-972-8445
Email: jrenna@uakron.edu


My research explores the mechanism of neural circuit development.

In the spinal cord and cortex, neural circuits require activity-dependent mechanisms for normal maturation. This is also true in the early visual system.  Waves of excitation sweep across the inner retina early in development and drive the formation of normal lamination and topography in visual centers of the brain.  Disruption of these retinal waves results in miswired circuits and off-target brain projections.

Many clinical conditions, such as amblyopia and stereoblindness, can result when the eyes do not properly wire into the brain during development.  This makes the retina an ideal system for investigating activity-dependent mechanisms driving neural circuit development as well as for exploring clinical implications of the disruption of these mechanisms. 

Many key details about the mechanism responsible for the propagation of retinal waves remain unknown. I will continue to use cutting-edge electrophysiological, molecular, and morphological techniques to bring a new depth of inquiry to these central issues in the field of circuit maturation.

My work lays a foundation that should ultimately help clinicians devise better strategies for repairing or regenerating neural circuits damaged due to injury or developmental disorders.


Tarchick MJ., Beigh C., Bonezzi PJ., Peachey NS., Renna JM. Experimental Eye Research 2024 Mar 19:242:109872. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2024.109872.

Renna JM., Sondereker KB., Cors CL., Chaszeyka SN., Keenan KN., Corigliano MR., Milgrom LA., Onyak JR., Hamad EJ., Stabio ME.   Anatomical Sciences Education.  2024 Apr-May;17(3):499-505. doi: 10.1002/ase.2396. *** Featured on the Cover of the April/May 2024 issue.

Bonezzi PJ., Tarchick MJ., Moore BD., Renna JM.  Journal of General Physiology 2023 Sep 4;155(9):e202213262. doi: 10.1085/jgp.202213262.

Tarchick MJ., Clute DA., Renna JM.  Sci Rep 2023 Feb 17;13(1):2834. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29572-2.

Onyak JR., Vergara NM., Renna JM. . Translational Research 2022 Jun 9; S1931-5244(22)00133-5. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2022.06.001.

Bonezzi PJ., Tarchick MJ., Renna JM. . Journal of Physiology 2020 Sep 4; doi: 10.1113/JP280014.

Sondereker KB., Stabio ME., Renna JM.  .  J. Comparative Neurology 2020 January 31. DOI: 10.1002/cne.24873.

Cleymaet AM., Gallagher SK., Tooker RE., Lipin MY., Renna JM., Sodhi P., Berg D., Hartwick ATE., Berson DM., Vigh J.  (2019) .  2019 April 11 Neuroscience.

Sondereker KB., Stabio ME., Jamil JR., Tarchick M., Renna JM. (2018)   J.Vis.Exp. 2018 Aug 4; (138), E57861. 

Tufford AR., Onyak JR., Sondereker KB., Mattar P., Hattar S., Schmidt T., Renna JM., Cayouette M. (2018)   Cell Reports. 2018 May 22; 23(8): 2416-2428.

Stabio ME., Sondereker KB., Haghou S., Day BL., Chidsey B., Sabbah S., Renna JM. (2018)  The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2018 Apr 6; 526(11):1749-1759.

Bonezzi PJ., Stabio ME., Renna JM., (2018)  Current Eye Research. 2018 Feb 15: 1-8.

Stabio ME., Sabbah SX., Quattrochi L., Ilardi MC., Fogerson PM., Leyrer M., Kim MT., Kim I., Schiel M., Renna JM., Briggman KL., Berson DM., (2018)   Neuron2018 Jan 3; 97(1):150-163.e4. Epub 2017 Dec 14.

Weng SJ., Renna JM., Chen WY., Yang XL., (2018)   Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018; 1753:289-303.

Sondereker KB., Onyak JR., Ross CL., Islam SW., Renna JM. (2017)  The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2017 Dec 1; 525(17):3653-3665. Epub 2017 Aug 12.

Chew KS.*, Renna JM.*, McNeill DS., Fernandez DC., Keenan WT., Thomsen MB, Ecker JL., Loevinsohn GS., VanDunk C., Vicarel DC., Tufford A., Weng S., Gray PA., Cayouette M., Herzog ED., Zhao H., Berson DM., Hattar S. (2017)  eLIFE, 2017 June 15; (6). *co-first authorship

Renna JM., Stukel JM., Kuntz Willits R., Engeberg ED. (2017) . PLoS ONE, 2017 April; 12(4).

Renna JM.,Chellappa DK., Ross CL., Stabio ME., Berson DM. (2015) Developmental Neurobiology, 2015 September; 75(9): 935-46.

Renna JM., Weng S., Berson DM. (2011) . Nature Neuroscience, 2011 Jul 14; 827-829.

Ecker JL., Dumitrescu ON., Wong KY., Alam N., Chen SK., LeGates T., Renna JM., Prusky G., Berson DM., Hattar S. (2010) . Neuron, 2010 Jul 15; 67(1):49-60.

Strang CE., Renna JM., Amthor FR., Keyser KT. (2010) . Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2010 May; 51(5):2778-2789.

Renna JM., Strang CE., Amthor FR., Keyser KT. (2007) . Visual Neuroscience, 2007 Jul-Aug;24(4):503-11.

Strang CE., Renna JM., Amthor FR., Keyser KT. (2007) . Visual Neuroscience, 2007 Jul-Aug;24(4):523-33.


  • Postdoc – Department of Neuroscience, Brown University (2008-13)
  • Ph. D. - Vision Science, University of Alabama at Birmingham (2002-08)
  • BS - Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, University of California, Davis (1998-2001) and California State University, Fresno (1996-98)