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So what is an inter-college transfer?

An inter-college transfer (ICT) is used when a student wants to:

  1. Move from the Division of Strategic Engagement once all requirements have been met to the college that houses their major - for example, DSE to the College of Business because the major is Marketing.

  2. Move from one degree granting college, like the College of Business to a different college at UA, Arts and Sciences, because they are chaging their major from Marketing to Political Science.

ICT from the Division of Student Success to the college of your major

Have you completed all the requirements to move from the Division of Student Success to the college that offers your major?  These steps will help you transfer into your major at UA:

Schedule an appointment with your academic adviser in the Center for Academic Advising and Student Success.
Step 2 Let the adviser know you would like to process your ICT and to what college.  They will check to make sure you have met all the requirements.
If all the requirements have been met, you will be transferred out of the Division of Student Success into the UA college that holds your major.

Changing your major to one that is in another college at UA

Thinking of changing your major - say Marketing to Political Science? You will have to ICT from the College of Business to the College of Arts and Sciences.  Follow these steps to ICT from one degree granting college to another at UA.

Make an appointment to see your adviser.  If you are not sure who that is, you can check by , entering the Student Center, and cheking the blue box labeled "Advisor" in the right column.

Once you meet with your adviser, the appropriate paperwork will be completed and you will be placed into the college of your new major.  NOTE: An ICT does not need to be completed if your new major is in the same college as the old one, for example, Marketing to Finance are both in the College of Business.